Friday, February 19th, 2010
I have made the journey to the mecca of nerdery, at least my kind of nerds. Nerds who write Python. I’m at PyCon 2010 Atlanta.
The morning begins with Guido’s keynote, answering questions posted via Twitter: #python.
More to come…
Tags: pycon, Python
Posted in Python | Comments Off on Good Morning From PyCon
Tuesday, June 16th, 2009
I wrote a shell script that can periodically check a URL for updates. It can download and run another script to apply those updates, potentially overwriting the first script if the update mechanism needs to change.  I needed  a way to install the update script initially, so I wrote a Python script to read and escape each line of the update script, then generate an install script which can write the update script if it is not installed.  Following me so far?  Good.
Tags: Linux, Python, script, shell, software, updates
Posted in Embedded, Linux, Python | Comments Off on Scripting Software Updates