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Posts Tagged ‘wordpress’

Customizing the Default WordPress Theme

Sunday, December 14th, 2008

WP to 9MMTo get the new Nine More Minutes site going, I’d considered various options, trying to find the simplest one that would give me a way of displaying a few pages about the company and the work I do. I’d looked at doing a simple static site (in strict XHTML, of course) or even using Python + Django to build a database-driven web site to display, well, plain old pages.  

In spite of my general disdain towards PHP, I realized that WordPress was exactly what I was looking for, and it would save me from having to write much code. Of course, it would also give me an excuse to write some posts and keep the site updated on a regular basis. But first, I needed to make a theme using my existing 9MM logo and colors.

I started by reading various articles on the topic, most of them describing the files required in the theme directory and how to build a theme from scratch. This one is a really good guide, if you’re into that sort of thing. Taking the even lazier simpler route, I just copied the default theme folder and renamed it to 9mm, and started hacking away there… (more…)